Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic
IEEE Fellow
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Ljiljana Trajkovic received the Dipl. Ing. degree from
University of Pristina, Yugoslavia, the M.Sc. degrees in
electrical engineering and computer engineering from Syracuse
University, Syracuse, NY, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering from University of California at Los Angeles. She is
currently a professor in the School of Engineering Science,
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Her
research interests include communication networks and dynamical
systems. Dr. Trajkovic served as IEEE Division X
Delegate/Director, President of the IEEE Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics Society, and President of the IEEE Circuits and
Systems Society. She serves as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE
Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. She was a Distinguished
Lecturer of the IEEE Circuits and System Society and a
Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Society. She is a Fellow of the IEEE.
Wen-Huang Cheng
IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Wen-Huang Cheng is a University Distinguished Chair Professor
in the Department of Computer Science and Information
Engineering at National Taiwan University. His current research
interests include multimedia, computer vision, and machine
learning. He has actively participated in international events
and played significant leadership roles in prestigious journals,
conferences, and professional organizations. These roles include
serving as Editor-in-Chief for IEEE CTSoc News on Consumer
Technology, Senior Editor for IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
(CEM), Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) and IEEE Transactions
on Multimedia (TMM), General Chair for ACM MMAsia (2023), IEEE
ICME (2022), and ACM ICMR (2021), Chair for IEEE CASS Multimedia
Systems and Applications (MSA) technical committee, and
governing board member for IAPR. He has received numerous
research and service awards, including the Best Paper Award at
the 2021 IEEE ICME and the Outstanding Associate Editor Award of
IEEE TMM (2021 and 2020, twice). He is an IEEE Fellow, IET
Fellow, and ACM Distinguished Member.